The Best Electric Guitar For Beginners Guide
For a newbie, an electric guitar is fun to play. You can learn the lead lines, solos, new techniques, which will help you to learn further. The lead guitars are swift, way easier, and bring more drama than acoustic guitars.
An electric guitar is an external amplification required guitar that is heard at typical performance volumes. Unlike standard guitars like acoustic guitars, you can change the volumes as you want for electric guitars. It uses more than one pickup to convert the vibration of the strings to the electric signals.
Electric guitars have an interesting story of coming into this world. They were mainly designed by acoustic guitar manufacturers. The first electric guitars were used in jazz music in hollow archtop acoustic guitar bodies with electromagnetic transducers.
As ArioseMusic is one of the leading OEM brands in China, we get many queries from our clients. Therefore, we have prepared this detailed guide for you providing every detail.
So, keep reading the guide to learn the best tips of how you should research before buying a guitar and how you can learn quickly.
What Can Help You To Play Electric Guitar Properly?
The electric guitar is cool to play and the sound makes it cooler. But it is a bit more difficult than how it sounds. So, expert guidance is very essential for beginners before making an expensive mistake and not playing in the long run. If you are wondering about how you will start learning electric guitar, follow the article and you will learn everything.
Playing An Electric Guitar
There are plenty of discussions that happen in the guitar learning and playing community like Ibanez or Gibson, Les Paul or Telecaster, which one to buy. We have some awesome tips that will help you to play the guitar properly-
Starter Electric Guitar
First, you need to get your first electric guitar to play. There are a lot of beginner guitars on the market. Choose the one that you feel comfortable after grabbing.
Necessary Accessories
An electric guitar needs a lot of accessories like amplifiers, carrying cases, cables, picks, straps, etc.
Electric Guitar Accessories
Figure 2 – Electric Guitar Accessories
These accessories have different usage like the carrying case helps to carry your guitar, straps help to hold your guitar while you are standing and playing.
Amplifier plays a very important role in an electric guitar.
Basic Chords And Scales
It is very important to learn every chord and scale and practice them every day to make expert sounds from your guitar. The chords and scales can vary a lot. There are major chords, minor chords, 7th chords, bar chords, diminish chords, etc.
Using AMP
To develop the tone and sound of your electric guitar, you need a good amp. A good amp can help to produce great sounds from the electric guitar for beginners.
Electric Guitar Amplifier
Figure 3 – Electric Guitar Amplifier
They strengthen the weak electric signal from an electric guitar’s pickup. This amplifier is attached to the loudspeakers with cords.
Without the amplifier, you can not produce high volumes.
It is obvious that you can not produce sound by just strumming and learning scales. You need a good instructor or a music teacher who can help you to produce sounds with discipline and rhythm. You can get lessons in two ways, either physically by going to an instructor, or online.
Getting lessons physically for a beginner is the best option because you can learn more and can learn better with clear instructions. Online lessons are also helpful, but the instructor can sometimes miss your flaws sometimes.
Favorite Electric guitarists
You have obviously started learning electric guitar by watching your favorite electric guitarists. So, what you need to do from now is, follow them and practice their scales and solos. This will make a lot of improvement in your further development in learning electric guitar.
Using Metronome
Metronome is a great way to learn rhythm while playing electric guitar. To play guitar solos with other musical instruments, a metronome is very essential.
The most important part to learn anything is practice. Without practice, there is no progress. So, practice from now and you will see the result by yourself. While practicing, you should also remember that too much of anything is not good. If you exceed your limits and play guitar for a long time in a day, it can affect your next day.
Try to learn guitar for 1-2 hours a day. Make a schedule so that you can enjoy playing your electric guitar every day.
What Is the Best Electric Guitar For Beginners?
To play an electric guitar smoothly, you need to choose the best starter electric guitar for beginners. There are different shapes and sizes of electric guitar, and playing them without a doubt is an excellent place to start.
If you want the best electric guitar for beginners, you need to research a lot. No need to rush to buy an electric guitar. You can hold the electric guitars and check which one you are comfortable with. There are a lot of things to research before you buy an electric guitar for beginners.
Solid Body Series Electric Guitars
Figure 4 – Solid Body Series Electric Guitars
Now, most of the time you choose the options depending on the body style. There are two major options that you can choose from, solid-body, and hollow body.
Now, the solid-body electric guitar for beginners have few options like-
- V-Shape,
- Explorer Shape, you can see them in Ibanez Destroyer, and Gibson Explorer.
- Single-Cutaway,
- Double-Cutaway, etc.
Acoustic guitar types of electric guitars have hollow or semi-hollow bodies. They are generally used in jazz and funk music.
Hollow Body Electric Guitar
Figure 5 – Hollow Body Electric Guitar
For most of the people who started playing guitars, double-cutaway body electric guitars are their first option. Because for beginners, pickups and bridges are one of the important options. And double-cutaway bodied electric guitars are an unchangeable option.
Here are some of the best electric guitars for beginners after much researches-
- Epiphone SG-Special Electric Guitar for Beginners
- Yamaha Pacifica Series PAC112V
- Fender Modern Player Telecaster Thinline Deluxe
- Squier By Fender Vintage
- Les Paul-100
- Ibanez RG450DX RG Series Electric Guitar for Beginners, etc.
You can check in ArioseMusic, one of the biggest OEM manufacturers. We provide some of the most famous brands with the best electric guitar for beginners and other musical instruments too. If you are a supplier, you can check out.
Is Electric Guitar Good For Beginners?
Electric guitars are easy, can produce sounds as you want, and can make you happy too. They can be hard to master but they are playable. If you start playing electric guitar at the very beginning of your musical life, then you have made the best decision.
Here are some of the reasons why the electric guitar is good for beginners-
- An electric guitar does not hurt your finger even if you play it for a long time. Use an amplifier and you can make the sounds as you want.
- The strings of the electric guitar have less space between them and the neck is quite narrow. It is made like this so that you can easily get any chords you want. It even helps to play any scales too.
- The cutaways on electric guitar help to access the upper frets easily, so you can play any solo or riff easily.
How To Play Electric Guitar For Beginners Step-By-Step?
In the beginning, you may feel overwhelmed when you grab your first electric guitar. There are different styles.
So, here are some of the steps that will help speed up your learning guitar and also some important techniques for learning solos and songs.
Step – 1: Learn The Names Of The Electric Guitar Parts
Before learning other things and techniques about an electric guitar, you have to learn every part of the guitar. Because, when you will learn solos or riffs, you will be said to place your fingers on different frets, or strings. So, learning the parts of the electric guitar is vital for you.
Different Parts Of Electric Guitars
Figure 6 – Different Parts Of Electric Guitars
So, learning the names of the different parts of your electric guitar will give you the advantage to learn quickly and swiftly.
Step – 2: Learn To Read Guitar Tabs And Chord Diagrams
There are three different techniques to read tabs and play your electric guitar. These three techniques are-
- Guitar TAB
- Standard Notation, and
- Chord Diagrams
Without learning these techniques properly, you have to put more stress on learning the electric guitar. Also, it will take a lot longer too.
If you learn the Guitar TABs and the chord diagrams properly, you can save a lot of time when playing a song simply by just watching that particular TABs of the song.
Learn To Read Guitar TAB
Most of the songs that you like have their TABs (Tablatures). So if you learn the TABs properly, you can play them on your electric guitar easily.
Guitar TABs
Figure 7 – Guitar TABs
Reading Chord Diagrams
To learn chords and strum your guitar, you need to learn the chord diagrams. A chord diagram is very helpful to play any music using some chord circles.
Chord Diagram
Figure 8 – Cord Diagram
There are some chords like major, augmented, minor, diminished, suspended 4, suspended 2, seventh chords, etc. You will find these chords in the chord diagrams.
Step – 3: Basic Finger Exercises
Finger exercises are mandatory when you play chords, riffs, or solos. These exercises help you to place your fingers where they should be in the guitar properly.
To do finger exercises, you need to go slow first. Take a note of any song and try to play it slowly. You will find your answer when you play the song slowly for a while. After all the fingers are placed in the guitar and the muscles of your finger memorize where you have to put fingers on the guitar while the song is played, you will see the improvement yourself.
The main reason for the finger exercises for beginners is to teach how to play a note at a time without making a buzzy sound in any fret. After you have done a lot of finger exercises, you can start practicing chords and riffs.
You can do these finger exercises too to play better music-
Step – 4: Learning Easy Open Chords And Basic Riffs
After finishing doing some basic finger exercises, you are ready to learn some easy open chords and riffs. At this point in time, you have to be focused and witty when playing the riffs and chords.
By learning riffs, you will get the basic knowledge about pull-off, bending, sliding, hammer-on, palm-mute, etc. Every single one of them makes your guitar sound different and unique.
Then it comes to the chords. To bring melody in a song, chords play a vital role which is led by the electric guitar.
But, learning chords is not as easy as learning basic riffs. You have to play multiple notes at the same time, either by strumming or by fingerpicking.
So, learn the basic riffs first. When you have learned the basic riffs and are confident enough by yourself, you can go further to learn the chords.
Step – 5: Strumming Patterns
Once you have gotten a good finger exercise and got them to memorize the chords and riffs, strumming is the next thing that you need to learn. For every song, there is a basic chord circle and you only have to strum consistently and change the chords in time while strumming.
Sometimes, you can face hardship while playing some songs because of their hard strumming patterns. But do not worry, do more practice slowly and you will get the result later.
Step – 6: Practice Habits
You are almost done with learning everything. What is keeping you in now is practice. Do everyday practice and you can play any song in no time. Keep in mind that these tips are only for beginners. After you have practiced a lot, these procedures will become easy for you.
Practicing Electric Guitar With AMP
Figure 9 – Practicing Electric Guitar With AMP
The more you practice every day, the more you become. Good practice habits can help you to reach your goal where you can enjoy playing the electric guitar without any hesitation. So, create your practice habits from now on to play for the long run.
Make a schedule for practicing your electric guitar in a certain place in your house, and practice there almost every day to improve yourself. Also, always start practicing any note slowly. Because if you can play a note slowly, then you can play the same note fast too.
This habit of playing your guitar will end up making a career with it, at least will make you a professional electric guitarist surely. So, keep practicing every day until you reach the peak.
Here are some of the tips from a professional to develop good practice habits-
Everyday Practice
A little bit of practice every day can be the key to becoming a great guitarist. If you are working the whole day, make at least five minutes of time for practicing guitar every day. If not, then your learning process will go roughly and can take time.
There is always a procedure when practicing electric guitar. Create a plan of how you want to play your electric guitar. Go step by step learning and do that every day. Without knowing what you have to practice is like a boat without a rudder.
Sometimes, overdoing something can be stressful and make you feel like not practicing later on. Be aware of that, because, in the long run, it can become an obstacle for your learning area.
Giving up is not an option. It can be hard to learn for a beginner because the path is long. But when you grab the edge strongly, you can go anywhere. If you think of not getting any part, rest for a while, practice that part slowly. But if you give up on your electric guitar once, it can be hard to grab it again.
How Much Is An Electric Guitar For Beginners?
There are different types of electric guitars in the market of different budgets. Depending on how much you want to or afford to spend on the electric guitar for beginners, you can get your first electric guitar.
If you want a good electric guitar for beginners, you need to spend a bit. If you are truly devoted to playing a good electric guitar, you have to spend around $250-$300 to buy a decent electric guitar. This is the lowest budget to get a decent electric guitar for beginners.
You probably should not spend more than $400 when buying an electric guitar for beginners. As you are a beginner, you should first try playing music using an electric guitar on a budget. Because you may not play the guitar in the long run. So, start with a low-budget electric guitar before buying a good and costly one.
Of course, the electric guitar for beginners should be easy to handle and playable. Because the first electric guitar can give you the motivation to play in the long run. If your beginning starts with a bad guitar, it may become the stoppage of your playing electric guitar career too.
Final Words
It is time for you to buy your own electric guitar and rock on. Sometimes, when you buy an electric guitar or any musical instrument from an unreliable manufacturer, you will find them produced with low-quality material or the price is too high.
So, a reliable manufacturer like ArioseMusic can always help you to get your electric guitars wholesale at a budget price and with good quality for your business. The better the quality, the better the sound it will produce.
Let us know your thoughts. Send us a message if you have any other queries about electric guitars for beginners or you want to buy them from us for business.